Sunday, 11 December 2011

Elmgreen and Dragset

Robert Gober

Lygia Pape ( at the Serpentine Gallery at the moment)

i wish i could find pictures of the book of architecture and also the video of the book of creation as they were by far my favorite pieces in the show.

Thursday, 10 November 2011



Found at Giulio Miglietta's blog.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Sebastian P. Baden

 Sebastian P. Baden, Aesthetics, art history and media theorist, questions the boundaries between self-defense and the perpetuation of terror and also draws implicit parallels to the recent “War on Terror.”

The artist's aesthetic response to terrorist attacks, hijacking and other human catastrophes arouses the question, why evil and death still are so fascinating. One conclusion may be that within the secure distance between occurrence and spectator one is still fearful – but like Klaus Theweleit says: „When watching television, one never dies".

He has pubilshed the reader "Terminator – the Potential of the End. Coping strategies and Destruction as Creative Processes."

Have you read this guy? got anything on him? ... what did you think? ... would you recomend it to me? 

Friday, 30 September 2011

Brassa Bell 'I'll tell you what', Osmo Bell.

I'll tell you what:

its really hot.. open the windows, press play, put the volume up, now dance.

Find more OSMO BELL songs at Myspace Music

Friday, 23 September 2011

LUVMEAT... aka Sarah Culross aka Luvmeat aka Sarah Culross aka ...

VJ sample 1 from sarah culross on Vimeo.

I was having a look at the facebook page of an event Im going to tomorrow night. 
And I followed the link to see some of the visuals of my lovely and talented friend Sarah. I realized I had not visited her blog in a while (bad me) and happily scrolled down the crazy  pixelated colours... ? 
aaarg I cant describe it, is the kind of images I wanna described with noises and weird facial expressions.. which I have the feeling would bring a little smile to miss Luvmeat.
Anyway I found this played it, absolutely loved it and wished i had made it, and THEN I read the description! which goes like this: 
This one was done using a mixture of my squiggly loops and loops i'd made by manipulating still photographs taken by Mara Bueno, Moonkeum Kim, Jackie Ford and Alia Ahmad during Mara's 'Welcome Intruders' project, for vj-ing with at the project exhibition view.

And it made me very happy to think that not only I met some really talented people during my time at Uni, but that had the chance to work with them too, and  hopefully it will continue to happen for many years. 

Anyway, come to the event, its in hackney, its £3, and its going to be goooooood.

Supakitch & Koralie


..this is nice.. tho it made me feel quite lazy... and it made my room feel very small.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

The end, Silbylle Baier

..someone could have tell us.


BROWN FOX from Ill-Studio on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Believer, John Maus

Telephone lines all across the world
People fight all across the world
Angels sing all across the world 

Baby, you and me all across the world
Jackie Chan flashing all across the world
Hulk Hogan flashing all across the world
Baby lets go fly all across the world
Baby lets go fly all across the world!

They call me the believer…
They call me the believer…

An interview of Woody Allen by Jean-Luc Godard

Wim Wenders - room 666

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Green Porno

I am very confused. And Isabella Rosselini has never been so creepy.

Watch the whole series at the Sundance channel HERE

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Tonight You Belong to Me, Zooey Deschanel & Ben Schwarts

... cheese all the way. Artificial Summer.

So happy together, The Turtles

this needs a video.. a dark one... a sad and dark one. Colour... daily domestic life.

Friday, 15 July 2011

Wuthering Heights, Kate Bush

Totally addicted to this... press play, and when it finishes, press play again.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Warpaint and Ted Newsome

If it sounds good and it looks good, then it must be good.


Ted Newsome 

Matthew Brandt

This photographer soaks his portraits in the person's body fluids, and the photographs of lakes in the lake's water.

 I think I'm a little in loved with him. I mean imagine him asking: can I take a picture of you, and would you mind pissing on it after? how more romantic can you get?

CharlesSalted paper print with his mucus5" x 5 7/8"2007info
Portrait of Charles. Charles' mucus was used as chemical content to produce his own image.

NjenaSalted paper print with her ear wax5" x 5 1/4"2007info
Portrait of Njena. Njena's ear wax was used as chemical content to produce her own image.

Hills Creek Lake OR 4C-print soaked in Hills Creek Lake water30" x 40"2009

Indian Tom Lake CA 1C-print soaked in Indian Tom Lake water16" x 20"2008
Found at Beautiful/Decay 

Monika Traikov

Found at BumBumBum 

Aaron Ruell


Found at BumBumBum