"... Monika Grzymala’s installations function somewhere between an architectural intervention and immense line drawings. Grzymala’s installation for The Drawing Room is a personal response to the chaotic London sky-line, to the architectural space of the gallery and to the ideas explored in the Hayward Touring exhibition, ‘The end of the line: attitudes in drawing’, of which this commission is part.
Grzymala describes each drawing in space in terms of kilometres of used line which references the personal investment of time and energy. For Ruptures the lines will be created from sticky tape in varying tones of grey, a nod to the predominance of grey in our city. These lines will be interrupted and converge on given points, collide and ricochet, sending out reports, staccato marks to bombard other areas. Miraculously the eye will fill in the gaps, create the continuum capable of maintaining the velocity of the multiple lines. The rectilinear properties of The Drawing Room will be ruptured by the maelstrom of activity that punctuates the space...."
Her Webstite

I found the review of her exhibition in Art Rabbit very interesting, and related it immediately with my research on space, yet when I visited the exhibition I found it actually rather disturbing when in looking through her books in the Gallery I found this project called Colours a conversation with trees. An installation where fills op the space with branches painted in bright colours. This discovery was after I made my branches about territorial claims for the Crypt Gallery. Also at this time I started to find more and more work from other people working with colouful branches, Like Mattew Josep Spencer or the guerilla Knitting collective, somehow I did not find this inspiring. I wanted to continue with my project but in a different way. I went back to the research on uses of space and ways of claiming territories.
this is stunning...